Saturday, March 01, 2008

work and...

unfazed and strangely without hangover i went into the office to put in a few hours of extra time just to be sure that all was good for next week. after took a leisurely walk around downtown window shopping.

in the evening i met up with some peeps at a korean restaurant/bar/karaoke box called 'playground' which was not as naughty as the name implies. it's essentially the same layout as every sports bar you ever been to only with a lot less televisions and all of the ones they did have were playing korean pop music videos. my favorite item of the night was 'hite pitcher' it's a korean beer that comes in a 2 liter screwtop plastic bottle (similar to american soda) but it is shaped like a beer bottle. beer basically tasted like any other generic lite beer but the presentation was the awesome. image is here.


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