Thursday, March 13, 2008

ides of march

pretty damn happy that it is friday, left work for my usual training session but for some reason i was just a bit off this week, no real reason why, just wasn't quite all there. learned a few new things, including some grappling stuff, even though i've been at this for a while and my steve out weighs me by a good 30 pounds, i'm still a bit afraid of hurting him at times.

after went home to relax and got a text from jenni so i cut across town to meet her and nathan at the ha-ra. it was the first time i'd actually been in there really and i was surprised that it wasn't crammed with hipsters. had a drink with them and then walked over to the hemlock to see if anyone was around. ran in to richard from the office and had one quick drink with him before i got a text from steve and hopped a cab to the mission. as i headed in to the 500 club i ran into nyssa and rachel and talked to them for a bit then eventually i spotted steve and sent a drink down the bar to him, then he sent one back, then i sent another and the drink buying went on until we both had a bit too much.

we all said our goodbyes a little after closing and hit the road, i grabbed some slices from cable car on the way home and enjoyed some greasy pizza before soundly falling asleep.


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