Monday, December 18, 2006

i (heart) home

it's been over two years since i've been home for the holidays or any other reason and as of thursday i'll be back in good ol' merryland. there is something about going back to a place where you have so many rich memories that is comforting even if you only see it once a year.

i remember every place and every memory so vividly that at times i think it's more vivid than it was when it actually happened. i remember every late night skate spot, the place where my old girlfriend and i used to go park the car to make out, i remember the smell of the bread bakery downtown, everything... it's all crystal clear...

i have the same memories about places here but for some reason they're not as strong as the one's from home. it's most certainly because the memories of home have had both time and distance to ferment a little bit and now are way more concentrated.

there are only three days before i leave and i'm already planning out my route around my old stomping grounds to carefully document with my camera all of these places from another time.


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