Tuesday, April 24, 2007

buying my tickets early!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007


you can't see it in the pic but it's at least two stories with a spiral staircase in the living room... maybe i can just move in and they won't notice. can't believe i have to leave here in less than two days.

Friday, April 06, 2007


... yeah right, they gave us the first one in 1900 and they have two more in case we break ours.

more pics are up here.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

the neighborhood

today i turned left instead of right going out the front door and found a whole new neighborhood just around the corner.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

La Maison des Adolescents – Maison de Solenn

Architects: Ibos & Vitart

Monday, April 02, 2007



more pics are up in flickr

Sunday, April 01, 2007






just making a little inspiration board...

a walk


took a walk last night from the apartment to the bastille, wonderful night for a walk. had a crepe from a small shop in the bastille and basically kept walking until about midnight. more photos have been added to the flickr set